Verse of the Day: Matthew 12:20 NKJV
“A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench”
What is more fragile than a bruised reed or a smoldering wick? A reed that grows in a marsh is easily crushed; the lightest touch can break it, and the gentlest breeze can sway it. Its frailty is unmatched. Similarly, the smoking flax—a wick with a faint spark—can be extinguished by the slightest breath. These images represent extreme weakness and vulnerability. Yet, Jesus promises to deal gently with tender care.
While some of God's children are empowered to do great things, others are like the bruised reed or the smoldering wick. They are fragile, easily frightened, and often overwhelmed by trials and temptations. But here is the beauty of God's grace: it is precisely in their weakness that His love shines brightest. Jesus, in His infinite compassion, is gentle and tender with the weak. He does not crush the bruised reed, nor does He extinguish the faint flame. Instead, He nurtures and strengthens them with kindness and patience. We need not fear approaching Him, for His touch is always gentle, and His words are full of grace.
Take a moment to reflect on the following verses:
Luke 4:18; Psalm 51:17; Isaiah 40:11; Hebrews 12:12-13
Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your tender care and unfailing love. In our weakness, we find strength in Your compassion. Help us to trust in Your gentle touch, knowing that You will never crush us in our frailty.