Verse of the Day: Deuteronomy 6:6-7 NKJV
“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up”
One of the greatest responsibilities we have as believers is to keep the light of truth shining brightly for future generations. By God’s grace, we are called to share the gospel and the covenant with our children and ensure they pass it on to their descendants. Our first priority in this calling begins at home. If we neglect to share our faith within our own families, we fail in our most basic duty. Yes, we are called to reach the lost in far-off places and invite others from all walks of life into God’s kingdom, but our homes must be our first mission field.
Family worship and instruction are crucial not only for the wellbeing of our homes but also for the health of our nation and the strength of the Church. With so many influences seeking to lead our children away from the truth, it is more important than ever to ground them in the faith from a young age. When parents take seriously the duty of teaching their children about Jesus, God often blesses these efforts with the salvation of their offspring. May every home that embraces this responsibility find favor with the Lord and experience His presence.
Take a moment to reflect on the following verses:
Psalm 78:4-6; Exodus 12:26-27; Ephesians 6:4
Heavenly Father, help us to faithfully teach our children about You and Your wonderful works. May our homes be places where Your truth is cherished and passed down to the next generation.