Verse of the Day: Luke 5:9-10 NKJV
“For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken; and so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.”
God values our faith and obedience far more than our natural abilities. The foundation of our call to serve is rooted in faith and obedience. It is often said that “God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” This underscores that our natural abilities are not the reason for our call. It is possible to be highly talented yet disobedient to God.
Like Peter, are we willing to trust Him enough to go back into the cold waters and cast our nets once more after trying all night without success? Fishing demanded significant skill, knowledge, and patience, but that wasn't why Peter was called to serve. He responded to Jesus with obedience and faith, even when it seemed he had exhausted all his skill, knowledge, and patience.
Are there areas in your life where you rely more on your abilities than on faith and obedience to God? The call to service requires our obedience and faith. When He calls you, don’t keep Him waiting. Respond with a heart full of faith and a spirit ready to obey.
Take a moment to reflect on the following verses:
Luke 5:1-11
Father, Help us to trust You completely, even when our skills and knowledge fall short. Give us the courage to respond to Your call without hesitation, knowing that You will equip us for the task.